Against the tide features conversations on artistic practice and  cultural politics. The conversations will trace journeys of artists whose practice can challenge and disrupt dominant political and aesthetic frameworks, in performance, cinema, comedy and visual arts.

Featured Episodes

  1. Shailaja Padindala, Film-Maker
  2. Kotiganahalli Ramaiah, Poet and Writer
  3. Neha Thombre, Stand up Comedian 
  4. Neelavarna Media, An ambedkarite film collective 
  5.  Pasha Bhai, Clan Bokkaphod, Demixx & Agaahi Raahi, Rappers 
  6. A Revathi, Performer and Writer 
  7. Blue Material, Stand Up Comedy
  8. Brahma Prakash, Writer
  9. Dadapeer Jyman, Poet
  10. Manjeet Sarkar, Stand Up Comedy
  11. Nisha Abdullah, Theatre Practitioner
  12. Teesta Troupers, Musicians
  13. Raju Ranjan, Musician
  14. Rumi Harish, Writer& Musician