Twenty-five students of Mount Carmel college came together to work on a theatre making process for three months. Weekly two-hour sessions and two intensive workshops gave birth to the play, Where do you think you are going? It is a play telling the story of the world of a 20 years old girl in Bangalore city. A performance questioning restriction, freedom, independence and morality in everyday life. A multi-lingual play introspecting power, anger, aspiration, desire and imagination of a young woman. The process led to many discussions within the group about what does freedom mean in everyday life, how does it feel, what is alienation, humiliation, what does it take to question the norm, to question the power, what are the implications of breaking the norm, what is courage and where do we want to go from here. What does it mean to listen to the taunts and questions in everyday life for example, where do you think you are going? The theatre making process allowed the students to explore these emotions and residues of these experiences through the body. The play is a devised performance and is based on the lived experiences and collective memories of the students.